LDC-Senior worker jobs in Quetta advertisement 2022

LDC-Senior worker jobs in Quetta advertisement 2022-last date to apply is 09-11-2022

Good opportunity for Pakistani nationality holders. To get hired as lower division clerks and senior workers at Headquarter section of EME center, Quetta.

EME center jobs advertisement is given below:

ldc-senior-worker jobs advertisement in quetta 2022

How to apply for LDC-senior worker jobs in Quetta 2022

  1. Write an application on plain paper or print template application file
  2. Attach all educational and personal documents
  3. buy 400pkr postal order of applying for BPS-5 or above post on the name of SROEME center record zong.
  4. submit it at the following address: headquarter section EME center record zong Quetta cent, through any courier service before  09-11-2022

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